world's best preamp closest to real sound stage

seeking realistic, realism, natural, depth, you are there sound. i was lucky to discover sound dynamics 300 ti's. a pass a40 amp, onkyo p304 preamp. ok so i am poor but i have rich taste! har har. seriously now i want to have the best in the world don't want to have to buy another preamp and yes everything is going to be chucked out for new stuff. the direction i am heading - von schweikert vr-4 jr speakers. for amp 1 of these: vac, theta, classe, rogue, pass, ayre, lamm, mcintosh......for preamps these are what i am considering: pass x1, lamm l1, arc ref2 mk2, vtl 7.5, wyetech opal, bat vk51se, mcintosh c2200, ayre k-1x, sim audio moon p5, cat ultimate, hovland hp100, audible illusions 3a or sonic frontiers line3. what will bring me closest to the sound stage if i listen to symphonic music and opera.
Of the ones you have listed, I lick the VTL, BAT and Ayre, in that order. The BAT is the best deal at its used price IMO.
Pedrillo, I think many factors influence your sound stage realism, such as room treatments, speaker placement, and even clean power, but the best linestage for realism I have heard thus far is the H-Cat P12R X9. I'm not even sure this company is still around, however.
The significant players in soundstage reproduction are the recordings, the speakers and the room acoustics. Preamps play a minor role if they are decent.

Seems an odd question if your concerns are to buy the "the best pre made" running Von schweikert vr-4 jr speakers..IMO get better speakers, then build around them.The BEST pre wont matter until ya do