Start with a couple of dedicated lines. One for your source and one for your amps/pre. Listen to what you've got. Not happy, yet? Think you can do more with your electric? Next stop power conditioning. Oodles of threads, on this one. I'm not a Monster fan, but the sky is the limit on this one. I would treat your electric as another fundemental component in your system. Ok, where were we? Yes, power conditioner. Want to be, even, more happy? Excellent power cords. Not happy now? You'll have to find another component to upgrade. Here's the deal:
dedicated lines+power conditioning+power cords= electric nirvana. Will cost you, but the results will set you free.
peace, warren
dedicated lines+power conditioning+power cords= electric nirvana. Will cost you, but the results will set you free.
peace, warren