Hey guy, take it from somebody who has been there. I did the panamax,monster, and other various "conditioning' products. The cheapest and best bang for the buck is to install a dedicated and isolated line. You can go for the very resonable materials found at your local H-Depot, or for not that much more go for the products dedicated to audio found on this site. Just remember this; All Good Sound Begins At The Wall!!. An isolated line will help to get rid of most of the line noise. This type of line is used in hospitals,computer centers,and wherever sensitive electronic equipment is in use. Depending on your panel box to system configuration your cost could be very minimal, approx $100.00-$200.00. Then look into a good power cable.
As far as your "flu shot" I'll be the first to inform you that its too late. If you are on this forum you've got the bug! The quest to improve your audio system will always be a matter of importance for you, get ready for a long and interesting journey.
As far as your "flu shot" I'll be the first to inform you that its too late. If you are on this forum you've got the bug! The quest to improve your audio system will always be a matter of importance for you, get ready for a long and interesting journey.