looking at upgrading my tonearm from a triplanar

I have a Galibier Gavia table, ZYX Universe II cartridge and a triplanar tonearm running through a Doshi Aalap preamp.

The sound is wonderful but I can't help but feel I could enhance the vinyl rig by upgrading the tonearm,
particularly gaining low level detail.

I've read up on a few models and I am looking for input on an arm that would be a significant step up from the triplanar.

I am particularly interested in comments from previous triplanar owners on sonic improvements with a new arm

the Durand Talea, Kuzma 4 Point and Graham are on my short list. I am not considering anything above $10k


I agree with Stringreen.

Not only for tonearms, but also carts, speaker, amps and sources.

Thanks for your report and glad you're enjoying! Your finding echoes my experience and that of nearly all who've compared these two arms.

At these levels, I believe the differences of tonearms is not better/best, but just different. Boston's Symphony Hall is different than NY's Carnegie Hall, but is any one better?
At any level, I believe the near-unanimous reports of multiple owners deserve more credence than the beliefs of someone who, so far as I'm aware, has heard neither. In any event, equating tonearms to concert halls is too fantastic to merit discussion. By comparison, Homeland Security's interest in TriPlanar's bearing usage approached being meaningful.
it's been a real eye opening experience

Thanks everyone for helping out

I agree with Doug that sometimes variations between gear aren't just a preference but a clear distinction of what sounds more like live music

That was the case for me with the Talea

My local expert arm setup guy and I just looked at each other and knew what we were dealing with was a big step in musicality

While I'm quite familiar with what the "Triplaner" looks like, I've never seen a "Durand Talea", I decided to look it up.

Heres the site for the famed "Durand Talea";


It sure is pretty, now you can get yourself a couple for your two arm TT