Best used SS 100 - 150wpc for a grand or less?

Any thoughts regarding a 100 to 150wpc solid state that can be had used for $1,000 or less? The amp would drive Vandersteen 2ce Signatures along with an ARC SP9 MKII and Upsampled Njoe Tjoeb 4000. Thanks in advance.
There are several amps that meet your criteria, such as those made by Adcom, Rotel, and Parasound -- but the one I'd seriously consider is the Bryston 3B-ST (150 wpc). And if you can pony up only a couple of hundred extra dollars, you might be able to get the 4B-ST (250-300 wpc). Both of these amps are very clean, and work very well with Vandy speakers.
Aragon 8008ST, Classe CA-150, and McCormack DNA-1(or DNA-1 deluxe), come quickly to mind, as well as the above mentioned Bryston's. I've heard several systems sound good with the McCormack/Vandersteen combination. Good luck and happy hunting.
I would bet that a McCormack DNA 1, DNA 1 Deluxe would sound great in your system. Plenty of power for the Vandies. Its a very good SS amp under $1k.
I have a Threshold S/300 stasis driving my 4ohm Thiels.
150 wpc 8ohm 300 wpc 4ohm
This amp is in your price range.
It drives the Thiels with ease.