MF A5,was "beaten" in Hi Fi News Awards 2004 by Graaf GM 50(50w Push Pull Tube int)"Best amp over GP 1000."GraaF got the award, MF a Editors choice....
Krell,sorry ,not my cup of tea .....
Plinius,plus point,does have a "tube like sound" but still no tubes...
Pathos Logos,you know my opinion on that,the Logos and my Merlin VSM-MMs are Magic ! I am completely biased ,I am afraid.....
If indeed the Totems need at least 150w to "bring out the best " then you have to consider the BAT VK 300 int( 3 variations-ss,6922 and Supertube) or the DK-VS 1 MK ll ,also a Hybrid.Blue Circle Hybrid pre/power perhaps ?
Get some tubes on the pre amp stage....that is wat I would do.