Help with speaker cables and interconnects

My system comprises a TAG Mclaren CDT20R Transport linked to TAG's DPA32R Pre/Dac. This feeds a pair of Audiolab 8000MX monoblocks, which are wire to Monitor Audio 20SE's. Current wiring is LAT interconnects and Audioquest Indigo + speaker cable. The sound is very clean, but somewhat cold and lacking in weight. The Audiolab/Monitor Audio had plenty of power when used witha marantz cd63KI signature Cd player, but this appears to be lacking with the TAG gear. I have tried using Nordost Valhalla digital between CD & DAC and Valkyrja between pre and power amps. This gives amazing detail, but again lacks the warmth. Any advice would be very welcome. Muz.
Thank you for your responses. Since starting this thread, the following cables have been suggested to me: Marigo Apparition digital cable, Synergistic Research,Purist Audio Designs, Audience Au24 and Ridge Street Audio Poiema cables. Unfortunately, there arn't many UK companies which stock these, let alone loan them to you, so unfortunately, I feel like a fish in a big sea! I know many people say that you shouldn't use cables as tone controls, but how do you know that it's the cable that's either adding or detracting from the sound? Anyway, back to the matter in hand, how well would any of the above suggestions go towards bringing more warmth to a somewhat neutral system? Would I be better off avoiding silver based cables - I understand that Synergistic Research make some very good copper speaker wires - any suggestions please?
The Marigo Apparition digital cable, already suggested to you, is natural, musical, with the flow, and pace of music beautifully conveyed, without any listener fatigue. Abundant detail is present, but without calling special attention to this aspect of a very natural presentation.
Overall, the Marigo listening pleasure is analogous to that of tube equipment users who usually have better luck avoiding a cool, neutral quality which can often drain great recordings of their emotional content. Conveying emotion as part of the audiophile experience is perhaps the hardest part to get right, especially since feeling emotion in any aspect of life is so personal an experience.
Somehow, Marigo Apparition digital IC not very often mentioned in Audiogon discussions despite having devoted, enthusiastic users. I have used in a variety of systems with headphones, and with both cone, and ribbon loudspeakers.
If there is a company in the UK that lends, or rents cables, you would be better able to really know what works in your present system, if you don't feel ready to pick from among the recommendations here on Audiogon. But, I don't think you can go wrong with Marigo, if any cable is to be your solution for an antiseptic sound quality.
The other parts of the Marigo product line would work beautifully with their digital IC. Perhaps an email to Marigo would uncover a UK source for home trial.
I currently own the Marigo Apparition 5.6 and think the Transparent digital cable is better based on what I heard playing it on my system. For the other cables, I would go audition Transparent or Synergistic. The Ridge Street Audio, while good, are not in the same league as the other cables you listed in my opinion.
I have used a pair of MA20SE speakers for some 10 years now. I used to drive them with Krell KRC pre & KSA-150 power combo. with a Trichord modified Teac P-700 transport Theta G3 DAC. Wires were home made using a combination of silver & copper conductors. Sound balance in my previous place (10 x 15 ft room) was OK, slightly on the lean side. The 20SEs do have a slight tendency to sound lean, with a "clang" (as described by Martin Colloms in his review from many years ago) in the presence region which solid state electronics can exacerbate.
Now that I have moved to a bigger place, the balance became too lean. To correct, I have tried various cable changes - interconnects from Tara Labs Air 1s; to Siltech SQ28 G5 and Speakers from XLO to Audioquest Gibraltars. I finally settled on Eichmann Express 6 I.C. & bi-wired speakers. I would say the richer sounding cables amongst the ones I tried were the Tara Labs Air 1 I.C. & the Audioquest Gibraltars. However, I would also add that changing cables to correct tonal balance is rarely 100% successful. It sound like your problem is caused by that change in the front end. In my case, I can tell you that the most beneficial effect I had in making the sound less lean was in changing the Theta G3 for a Musical Fidelity Trivista 21 DAC. So you might consider trying alternative CD/DAC combos too.
One last thing, if your 20SEs have been filled with sand in the base cavity, remove them. Sand filling leans out the sound even more.