I want to thank everyone once again for your replies on this thread. I managed to get my amp back today with new tubes. Indeed, the original trivistors were faulty and are now replaced. Probably the first instance of bad tubes on this gear.
Secondly, there is indeed a big problem with the source selector on this machine now. Wasn't when I initially took it into the shop, but I don't doubt the repairman's integrity. I brought it back home and when i turn it on, it travels the circuit around the sources, but rather than settling on the most recent source, as normal, it starts to click repeatedly against either the top or bottom of the source array. I finally grabbed the selector and tried to forceably put it on the proper source. Finally, it stopped this strange behavior and I could listen to music again. I'm going to have to get a new selector chip and replace it in the amp. Has anyone else had a similar problem with this amp? Thanks.
Secondly, there is indeed a big problem with the source selector on this machine now. Wasn't when I initially took it into the shop, but I don't doubt the repairman's integrity. I brought it back home and when i turn it on, it travels the circuit around the sources, but rather than settling on the most recent source, as normal, it starts to click repeatedly against either the top or bottom of the source array. I finally grabbed the selector and tried to forceably put it on the proper source. Finally, it stopped this strange behavior and I could listen to music again. I'm going to have to get a new selector chip and replace it in the amp. Has anyone else had a similar problem with this amp? Thanks.