Tube integrated amp less than 12" in depth?

I am looking for an integrated tube amp that will fit in my office. I play CD's on an Underwood mod 1 Jolida 100D with Siemens and Amperex Bugle Boys, at low volumes with a Creek 5350 SE and biwired-Proac Response 1s. The sound is great but I miss tubes in the amp..........and it plays 12 hours a day.
Room size 14 X 16 feet.
Any suggestions for that "tube" sound?
The equipment is housed in a lockable closet and cant be more than 12" deep to fit. It is locked as my partner likes to come in and turn the sound off!!:) (Philistine)
86 dB, would IMO, be a little bit low on the sensitivity scale for a 12wpc amp, if you were looking for anything close to realistic volumes. But of course, a lot depends on music type. I am guessing you do not run the volume high in a home office. If you are just looking for background levels, then it should be fine.
I listen exclusively to classical, but sometimes turn it up when everone has left:) generally low volumes, but detail and nuance are critical. The SET Almarro 318 is 18 watts. Enough?
I've heard this amp on a speaker (non-horn) with 89dB efficiency, and it drove it just fine in a room that was around 14' x 15'.
To reiterate what Swampwalker said, with the type of music you want to listen to, and at the stated volume, I think you would be just fine. And the amp really sounds nice. On this particular one, I would suggest swapping the Sovtek 6922 for something NOS.
Hope that helps.

The Audion is sold. There a few new ASL SETs - 15-22 WPC all with a small enough footprint, eg ASL Fox. Almarro got an OK review in EnjoytheMusic, but not a rave. Any comments?
The QA/QC on some ASL products has been variable, based on my experience AND posts on headfi where lots of folks use their headphone amps. If new with warranty you would be OK. How about the Cayin mod from Bizzybee? Anyone know the depth?