Audio Research Ref 3 Opinions

Anybody heard the new ARC Ref 3? Comments please !! in comparison to the ARC Ref 2 Mk2
I have now a Ref 3 that has just passed the 200 hrs break in mark. The unit is the latest version with new bypass caps and 6550C in PS. Stage opening up nicely with a significan amount of detail, authority, musicality, micro and macro dynamics. I estimate another 150 to 200 hrs to complete breakin process. I have no immediate plans to test NOS 6550 tubes at this time.
" I have no immediate plans to test NOS 6550 tubes at this time"


IMO there is absolutely no reason to do any tube rolling with this preamp
Wow, I came back to this thread to learn more of Guido's progress with burn-in, and I see that once again a bunch of posts have been removed. What happened? Another fist fight in here?
JAFOX, amazingly enough, I have been pretty good on this thread. Any idea what was nuked?
This is where I am as of last night -

Long way to go...