Laoyuap, yes, my Coincidents are modded. The mods are quite extensive.
The original Vifa tweeters were replaced by ScanSpeak Revelators that I got from Israel. The Seas midwoofers were completely rebuilt by the BEST speaker guy in the world - this mod is more significant than I can explain to you. Let's just say that naturalness, speed, and slam all jumped up several steps. The wiring was replaced. The cabinets were damped, but not overdamped, and stuffed. What was a very nice speaker came to realize its full potential.
And, OTL amps have always been rare. If Coincident wanted to keep going in that direction, nothing would have stopped them.
The original Vifa tweeters were replaced by ScanSpeak Revelators that I got from Israel. The Seas midwoofers were completely rebuilt by the BEST speaker guy in the world - this mod is more significant than I can explain to you. Let's just say that naturalness, speed, and slam all jumped up several steps. The wiring was replaced. The cabinets were damped, but not overdamped, and stuffed. What was a very nice speaker came to realize its full potential.
And, OTL amps have always been rare. If Coincident wanted to keep going in that direction, nothing would have stopped them.