Need a Preamp Recommendation

Newbie here, please bear with me. 2 channel system:

PSB Image T45 speakers and a Onkyo M-282 200 watt amp. I am currently using an old pioneer receiver for the preamp. Looking to upgrade on a budget. Would this change the sound drastically? If so, what are some recommendations?

Thanks in advance.
What kind of music do you enjoy? What is the range of your budget? What kind of sound improvements do you expect to get?
Check a passive preamp if possible (Axiom, Monolithic, etc..), otherwise a used Adcom or Rotel will do,considering you are not into vinyl..... yet!.

If you're on a budget, a passive preamp is a serious option if you run shortish interconnects and your source and poweramp match. Passives, if made right, are transparent. So, they may change your previous sound, depending on whether and how your previous preamp colors the sound. If your previous preamp is hiding some flaws in your other components, the change may be for worse. But don't blame the passive for that!

Look into Odyssey's new passive preamp (ca. $350, but it's not on their US website yet; Google "Odyssey Etesian" and call Odyssey) or a used FT Audio Little Wonder (hard to come by used, though). Demos of Creek OBH-12 can be had cheap (ca. $250); the new OBH-22 is a bit more expensive (ca. $450).

Also search the AudiogoN amp/preamp forum; I remember reading older threads recommending good preamps, passive and active, of older vintage that can be had cheap used.
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