Excellent 60W tube monos?

Has anyone heard of this guy, Craig Ostby and his business, http://www.nosvalves.com. I understand that he sells some fantastic amps for a very reasonable amount. According to folks over at the Klipsch Forum these amps are second to none. Please comment as appropriate. Thank you in advance for your valuable time.
None of the people on the Klipsch Forum that I have talked to plan to sell them, nor would I. If they sound good, why would you think of selling them?
I own the VRD's, they are wonderful fantastic amps, I have owned more than a dozen in the last 12 months, but I am having Rick Reimer build me a pair of Teton speakers, and then may be willing to sell it to ya. I have gold lion kt88's phillips metal base 1950's gz34, mullard 1960 12ax7's, and amperex 12au7. I also have a set of WE350b's, and a pair of tungsol 5u4gb's. Email me if interested.
The Quicksilvers do not come close, I have owned both. The VRD's are GREAT amps.
711smilin am I understanding you correctly? You are selling your VRD amps? I thought they were great amps? If so, why are you unloading them? Is it because these "Teton" speakers are not efficient?
Do you know Craig Ostby? Is he easy to deal with? Honest etc.? Thank you for your comments and best of luck to you with those new speakers.