Excellent 60W tube monos?

Has anyone heard of this guy, Craig Ostby and his business, http://www.nosvalves.com. I understand that he sells some fantastic amps for a very reasonable amount. According to folks over at the Klipsch Forum these amps are second to none. Please comment as appropriate. Thank you in advance for your valuable time.
I have a couple of suggestions. The Vac Ren 30--or CJ 11a.
Buying an amp that isn't well known will be harded to sell--if--you don't like it.
None of the people on the Klipsch Forum that I have talked to plan to sell them, nor would I. If they sound good, why would you think of selling them?
I own the VRD's, they are wonderful fantastic amps, I have owned more than a dozen in the last 12 months, but I am having Rick Reimer build me a pair of Teton speakers, and then may be willing to sell it to ya. I have gold lion kt88's phillips metal base 1950's gz34, mullard 1960 12ax7's, and amperex 12au7. I also have a set of WE350b's, and a pair of tungsol 5u4gb's. Email me if interested.
The Quicksilvers do not come close, I have owned both. The VRD's are GREAT amps.