Why not more on 845 SETs?

As a brand-new owner of a Bel Canto SETi40 int amp,(bought used) I was intrigued to see very little in the fora on the subject of 845 SET amps an A'gon. It seems that this provides the best of both worlds -adequate power to drive most moderately sensitive speakers- 40 Class A SET WPC with SET sound. What is the downside to this approach and why don't more of the SET groupies have higher powered amps, giving them much more latitude in speaker selection? I drive 4 ohm 87 db sensitivity Totem 1 Signatures quite adequately with this amp. Is it beacuse of transformer issues, difficulty in finding adequate designs, size or the feeling that this is not a true "SET sound"?
I would like to hear SET-owners' reasons, if possible.
711Smilin,You can buy my matched pair, since they sound great but screw up my Bel Canto IR sensor...............must be a mismatch between Bel canto and 845M of some sort.
I agree with other contributors, what a good thread. I am ashamed to say, I had heard little of 845's until the recent UK Hi End show at heathrow. Nick the importer of Viva amps was using the Solista integrated to drive sensitive ART speakers in a very large room to very good effect indeed. That's just 17 watts and more than enough. i have always equated SET amps with 3 to 8 watt 300B amps and have not been that impressed I am afraid. Not bad, but certainly not the drive of the Solista. Well I have just aquired a Solista on the Audiogon site, it is an evil looking brute, but managed to persuade the wife it had a sort of industrial chique. Who can resist the thought of Italian design. I am looking forward to its arrival, yet another bargain for a UK buyer. Not that I'm gloating, but the price of the dollar makes direct imports very tempting.
Those 845s sure are bright, aren't they?

I've just gone eight years of SETs and 20 years of tube amps in general to a Plinius SA50 Mk III. Good luck to me!