Amp for Proac Response 2.5

Hi guys,

I'm new to Audiogon and wondered if anyone could help. I live in the UK and see many fantastic amps touted around here and on audiosylum. Can anyone recommend a nice amp for my Proac Response 2.5's?

I never heard valves but got recommended a MingDa MC67Ha preamp and 2 805A monoblocks. These produce 40W class A each apparently.

Music tastes are varied but mainly rock, electronic and world music/jazz. My room is 18x11ft so i don't think i need too much power to make the Proacs do their stuff.

Other amps i thought about were Rogue, Plinius and Gryphon...and my budget used/new is $2300.

Hope someone can help!

Best regards

Richard Huxley
No wonder my wife giggles everytime she hears me tell someone about "my Air Tight"!
I work in place where we have clone of these Proac's the boss make for intrested custumers. A few days ago guy he come into shop with little 2X50W integrated by Blue Circle Audio in Canada and we hook him up to clones. Quickly there were about 10-15 people standing listening with mouths open.
Quite nice with the Accuphase - very musical and sweet. Amp was only 25wts SS but did a nice job.