power amplifiers with ICEpower module

Hi guys, what do you think of the new breed of "digital" amplifiers with the ICEpower modules, I mean sonically. My initial thoughts are neither positive nor negative. I think ICEpowered amplifiers are very clean sonically (very low distortion and coloration), but at the same time they are also a bit cool and lean sounding to me. My current reference is a rather low powered (50 W) class-A Accuphase amplifier.

My personal apologies! I am way out of line in my post. I got carried away! Sometimes I make bad judgement and wrote distasteful words. My previous post is an example of this.

If I have a way of deleting my post after I realized my mistake, I will.

For those who had been following this thread, please ignore what I said as much as possible. I found no gratification in writing such somewhat inflamatory remarks. I should have known better.

Again, I apologize to Brian personally.
I will not participate in this thread anymore.

Dealers have opinions too. If they have proven over time to be straightforward, then you can depend on them. Dealers probably hear a greater variety of components/systems, and their opinions can be worthwhile. Has Brian shown that his opinions are not honest? ISn't he hosting a shootout?
What is your opinion regarding the NuForce vs ICEpower or UcD module? The ICEpower based Bel Canto Design Reference One amps have got a rave review by John Potis of 6moons recently. I'm wondering if the somewhat lean sound of an ICEpower amp is in fact the absence of distortion?

Dazzdax, the ICE module's sound can be attenuated by skilled amp builders to sound just about like anything. I have never heard two sounding the same.

You made a valid point. ICE amps always divulge a lot of disc info that all solid state amps I've heard mask, or roll over with non THD noise. A more detailed passage will not have that manufactured, "Body," folks are use to.
I hope you are doing well. I think that you might have heard my stereo H2o when we were finally getting the Scintillas going at Karl's. If so, the amp has changed quite a bit since you heard it. The signature s-250 has an additional transformer and has turned the stereo version into a new beast. Also, the Scintillas really require 2 pairs of the Stereo signatures to sound their best. This is according to Henry Ho of H2O and my ears. The pair of Stereo signatures are very good on the Scintillas. When Karl finally gets my second pair of Scintillas to my Chicago house maybe you'll come over for a listen. Lastly, Muralman is not a shill but a very enthusiastic owner. Some of us feel protective of this brand because Henry Ho's only advertisement is through word of mouth and the few reviews that are out there. As we all know, everyone's tastes are different. I guess it helps make the world a more interesting place! All the best..Bob