Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Looks like you have lots to look forward to. Luckily, my Clearwave Duet 6 monitors are already internally wired with Supra tinned, stranded copper wire so there is some kind of continuity in place now doing it's magic. From the amp to the crossovers, and on to the speaker drivers, the wire is all the same. I couldn't ask for more as the wire's contribution to the voicing is about constant as it can be. That might have a lot to do with it.

Whether it's the 'absolute truth', I wouldn't dare say but it's the best I've heard in my room. Like I've already stated, everything is so open, clean, clear, relaxed and yet dynamic and extended with not a hint of glare or harshness. It's still digital in nature but not like what I'm used to hearing. To say it's more like analogue would be a reach, but not a great reach as it tends to the smoothness of analogue but retains the better qualities of digital.

All the best,

I have more wire here I am going to try a double run on each leg to compare to one. Simple to do and I am now quite familiar with the sound of just one run.

This wire does become quite a bit more lively in the top end after 50 hours or so of burn in. I actually liked the initial more mellow highs better. They are still quite good however. Wonder if more gauge on the bass will help give more bottom end to match the mids and highs livlyness. No doubt more hours have changed the wire in the upper mids and highs.
I think in combo with the Belden 8402, in my system, the initial more mellow highs that you heard remain a constant. If I switch in the Silnote Reference (silver/gold/copper) also a excellent interconnect, it does become a bit more lively, but not better. The Belden/WE combo gets it all with an extended top end, but with a more natural flow and manner. Your descriptor, "relaxed" is apropos. I'm very interested in your experiment to try a double run.
Granny, I liked your thought to try a simple twisted pair but wanted more wire than 16 awg so I decided to also try some of the larger 14 awg that Teresa (tajacobs) is selling. The individual strand size is the same as with the smaller 16 awg wire. Theoretically, the quad run of 16 awg should perform better due to the star quad geometry I plan to use, the smaller individual wire gauge (e.g., 16 vs. 14 awg should have less skin effect, if you believe in that at audio frequencies) and the larger aggregate size (13 vs. 14 awg) but the differences are small so, you never know.
Mitch2 can you provide a link showing the braid method you are going to use? Thanks!