Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Hey guys,

Experimenting is fun since all systems are different and even sound different to different ears (too much difference?). I just had to crow about my Supras (since they are part of this thread) and how they continually break in and please me to no end.

Intentionally, I didn't listen to all of my favorites and decided to wait until I'd achieve somewhat complete break in. One CD is the soundtrack to 'Game of Thrones'. Period sound with period instruments (or made to sound like). Delicious on the micro level and stupendous on the macro.

I've never heard tympani pound and resonate like this before (and this is a favorite of mine). The inflections by the musicians on the quieter end of the spectrum come through (not so) loud and clear. It's that ability to sift and sort out the delicacies and nuances, timing and tempo, which furthers the enjoyment.

Again, there is no digital bombast of etch and harshness. The only thing different are my ICs (which have more than enough hours to be considered broken in) and these Supra cables. These Supras seem to have opened up that "bottleneck" and released a torrent of musical information but not at the expense of anything natural, anything of ease. Pacing and timing seem almost analogue.

I just hope that you who are experiencing the WE 16ga wires are 'hearing' what I'm hearing.

All the best,

I tried to wait until I had more hours on the cables before commenting too elaborate now have between 50-100 hours on them. Overall I'm very happy with them but did experience a little brightness in the upper registers but that seemed to have passed and it really only occured on CDs that were a bit bright to begin with. There's a big improvement in all other phases and for the money there are just stupid good.
For me what really makes this hobby enjoyable is finding something as inexpensive as these cables are and having them make as big a difference as they do
Are you using the WE/Belden in combo or something else for interconnect? I'm curious since there seems to be a real synergy between the two. In my system, never bright, really gorgeous tone, upper register of violins spot on, brass likewise.
Metman, Mikirob is spot on. You must get the Belden ICs in combo with the WE as they are magic together and any hint of that brightness is gone. I agree 100% with your comments on the WE16, but when the IC was added all was perfect.
Tajacobs has raised the per foot price of the 16ga to $1.49, while the 14ga remains $1.79.