Conrad Johnson's Sonographe SA-250 or the SA-400?

Both of these amps unlike the MF series are Bipolar design rather than Mosfet. Although the Sonographe products are considered entry level for Conrad Johnson, there is nothing entry level about the sound quality or build quality! In fact I prefer the Sonographe sound to the MF series, maybe because I prefer the Bipolar sound now. Anyway I have owned more amps than allowable by law so when I first aquired an SA-250 I was immediately struck by the level of sound quality that it possesed. In fact this was exactly what I was looking for. This was an amp I could live with for a long time. From what I've gathered, the SA-250 was rated a Stereophile class B component, does anyone pay any attention to these ratings? Eventually I wanted more power & purchased the SA-400. Called CJ and they told me the sound of the SA-400 was identical to the SA-250 but with more power. I can now confirm this to be true. Conrad Johnson products are an excellent investment & the Sonograhe line is no different. Don't hesitate to give these amps a try, as they are major bargains on the used market.
I had a Sonograhe SA 400 for about a year. I agree
with everyhting you have said. They often get overlooked
but I think they represent tremendous value in the
used amp market. I upgraded my SA 400 to a BAT VK500 and
although the BAT was better I was surprised at how close
it was to the BAT in many areas. Very tube like presentation
with plenty of control in the lows. One of the better
bang for the buck amps out there. Enjoy yours.

Cmach, your right, the Bat is most definately an upgrade from the SA-400 but more expensive. If I'm correct the Bat is a zero negative feedback design & uses only one gain stage, a superb amp! I know both the SA-250 & SA-400 are not a zero negative feedback design but a minimal negative feedback design (a good thing as well). Don't know how many gain stages the Sonographes employ. I would love to give the Bat a try one day but for now I will enjoy the SA-400. But I thank you for the heads up on the SA-400.
Rcziech, as an audiophile you should be congradulated on keeping one amp for two years, a true testiment to the sonic attributes of the SA-250.

Got a 400. Just bought a Plinius SA102. The Plinius sounds damn good, its dynamics in class A are amazing. They slam you back to the wall. But - I blew some fuses in it (my fault) and have the CJ hooked up now - backup! The Plinius is a better sounding amp - but if I ran low on cash and had to sell it, I'd be just about as cool with the CJ. Just a damn good sounding amp that I bought for $600 used. With Dynaudios + Supratek Syrah, vinyl and digital.
Hi Goatwuss, your very fortunate to have the SA-400 as a backup amp to your Plinius. My wife won't let me keep more than one amp at a time if it just lying idle unless I can hide it. Anyway I look at the SA-400 as a tube amp on steroids as it definately does sound very tubish. Connected to a quality tube preamp the magic starts there. Anyway you also very lucky to have paid only $600.00 for the SA-400 as I just recently purhased mine for $775.00 shipped. However it is in mint condition.