Denon POA-2800 vs. Sony TAN-90ES


Which one of these power amplifiers do you recommend based on your experience?

The DENON is more powerful and cheaper and provides a deep and powerful bass. But won't the SONY have a much more refined sound, especially with a much better midband?

I like the 2800 enough that when i do upgrade it will be for a pretty damn good amp. maybe a bryston 4b or something.
Hey Chris,

In all honesty, I'm not sure you'd prefer the Bryston over the Denon. It really depends on taste, but I have an older Bryston and I don't like it as my main two channel amp. I use it mainly for subwoofer duty. That being said, the newer Brystons are supposed to be much more refined.


Thay very well may be the case. I have never heared bryston, but they seem to have a wicked reputation. In general i prefer a jack of all trades and master of none.
Chris, aren't you using the POA-2800 for both 2 channel and movie viewing? The Bryston 4B does have a lot of power and it does bass really well. Are those attributes you're looking for? Something you feel the Denon lacks?
Yeah it is pulling double duty... hahaha... i said doodie...

High power is not the biggest concern, the speakers i have are 92db i think, and they are only rated for 125w, the Denon is 200wpc.
I wouldnt mind dropping in power for something about 150w, tight fast defined bass is definatly a must. Im really not sure what im looking for in an amp yet. Something that can drive hard and not break a sweat, yet is still capable of subtle detail while listening at low levels.

Honestly, i have the feeling the Denon will be in my system for at least another year. Gonna be dumping a lot of money landscaping the backyard, replacing windows, and getting the hottub running and building a gazeebo around it. Not much money left over for audio after mortgage, car payment, utilities and landscaping supplys.

Maybe next year i will look into replacing it, once the whole home improvement thing settles down a bit. (grin)