VTL 450 or Parasound JC-1

Im thinking of upgrading to VTL 450s or Parasoung JC-1s. Currently running Wadia 861, Supratek Chennin pre amp, Vandersteen 2CE Sigs, Kimber Bifocal XL spkr cable and Cardas Golden Cross interconect. Room is 15x31 with system on long wall. Is the Parasound in the same league as the VTLs? Ive heard the VTLs and love them but I cant help but wonder with the price being almost half with the JC-1s. Any input will be much appreciated.

Wayne Donnelly compared his VTLs with the JC-1s in review someplace a year or so ago. He was surprised as we were that the JC-1s did fine next to the 450s. The JC-1 is what it is, a very powerful machine made amplifier that happens to sound pretty darned good. It wasn't intended to beat up everything out there, but it has credible performance that doesn't cost a fortune. We could build a better amplifier if we had lots more money to spend and if folks were willing to buy them, but we were given parameters when we designed the JC-1 and it is a successful product.

Bob Crump
CTC Builders
Kurt_tank, Sdcampbell, Perfectionist, Rcrump. Thanks for your thoughts. I neglected to mention Im also running stereo Vandy 2WQ subs with the model 5 xover. I know the 2CEs are the weekest link right now but Im still amazed how they reflect every improvement Ive made down stream. They have served me well but I am looking forward to new speakers down the road a bit. For now I want to adress the scale. The soundstage is much to small with a somewhat harsh upper midrange and a rather lean sound. I think my VTL MB 125s are just to small to to drive a 15x30 room to realistc levels. After auditioning the larger VTLs this became apparent. To my ears the larger VTLs are better in every respect. I listen to all types of music so I want an amp that does everything well but if I had to narrow it down I would say my prioritys are as follows: Huge 3D sound stage with good image focus (doesnt have to be lazer accurate). Excellent rythem, pace and sweet tone with lots of detail. Does this sound more like a JC-1 or VTL 450?

Thanks again
I would agree with Sdcampbell suggestion time for a speaker upgrade..

Another option...How about upgrading to the Vandy 4's with the built in powered sub and get a lower powered tube amp that is triode switchable and get the best of both worlds...

I've heard both the VTL-450's and the JC-1 both are good in their own right, but the JC-1 requires careful matching with an outstanding preamp (which is what you already have). The VTL is more foregiving due to the nature of tubes. Which one is best would be depending on whether you listen to jazz or Rock.
Hey I just happen to own both of those amps as we speak. I had the VTL 450s first and have them paired with a CJ Premier 17LS preamp. I don't think this is the best pair in the world. I have been bothered by 2 things with the 450s. First is the heat, they put off a ton of it, they actually cause my heater in the house to not run very much, so I can imagine they are gonna be really annoying in the summer. Second they seem to be lacking in the bass department. They are super extended in the top and never fatiguing, they have the classic tube virtues, which to a tube lover is immdiately recognizable.

The JC-1s I got in hopes of replacing the 450s. They too are hot, but probably only 1/4th the heat of the 450s. They can be left on continuously, where the 450s have to be turned on and off. I'm using these in my second system, so I'm looking for a hassel free situation and still have great sound.

The JC-1s do a lot better in the bass than the 450s, tons of slam and very precise imaging. They seem ultra detailed, but at the same time are very easy on the ears. The background is black and quiet with these babies. The JC-1s hit me more in the head than in the heart, like most solid state gear always has. I can see the argument for the JC-1s easily over the 450s and can imagine many listeners prefering them.

The 450s are tube amps, so there you go. I think if you are a tube amp lover at heart it would be hard to pick the JC-1s over the 450s. They just have that tube magic, that if you know what you are hearing it is hard to do without. The JC-1s seem more accurate, but at the same time seem a little flat and sterile compared to the 450s. The JC-1s are no slouch and I may just decide to live with them based soley on convenience. I have a dedicated room with tube amps, so I can always get my fix if I need to. If the convenience factor was even between the JC-1s and the 450s, I'd choose the 450s. I think what you are looking for sounds more like the 450s.
Ejlif. Are your 450's current?. ie signature transformer, upgraded caps, balanced input etc.
wondering if any of these upgrades would/have made your 450's better in the bass.