Kurt_tank, Sdcampbell, Perfectionist, Rcrump. Thanks for your thoughts. I neglected to mention Im also running stereo Vandy 2WQ subs with the model 5 xover. I know the 2CEs are the weekest link right now but Im still amazed how they reflect every improvement Ive made down stream. They have served me well but I am looking forward to new speakers down the road a bit. For now I want to adress the scale. The soundstage is much to small with a somewhat harsh upper midrange and a rather lean sound. I think my VTL MB 125s are just to small to to drive a 15x30 room to realistc levels. After auditioning the larger VTLs this became apparent. To my ears the larger VTLs are better in every respect. I listen to all types of music so I want an amp that does everything well but if I had to narrow it down I would say my prioritys are as follows: Huge 3D sound stage with good image focus (doesnt have to be lazer accurate). Excellent rythem, pace and sweet tone with lots of detail. Does this sound more like a JC-1 or VTL 450?
Thanks again
Thanks again