looking to go from seperates to intergrated

I currently am using a ARC Ls2b matched to a classe DR-9 amp and would like to consolidate space. any thoughts on a integrated that would be an improvement to my current system. My speakers are von/VR2's.
Thanks in advance
Although it is not a compact physical package, the Aronov LS-960I is an easy recommendation. I have played it through everything from mini-monitor Spendor LS3/5A's up through big floorstanding Clements RT-7's (transmission line bass, ribbon tweeter), with pleasure.
From a listening perspective, it is an "improvement" over most other realistically priced integrated amps, and also a "bargain" at a used price in the $1500 range.
Newbee is certainly correct that there is no universal unit, but the Aronov is at home with a variety of source, loudspeaker, and room choices. It is a unit sounding so fine that one does not feel restless to replace it.
THE VON SCHWEIKERT VR2's ARE 8 ohms nominal 20watt min 200 watt max,I am currently listening to the arc Ls2 which is a hybrid tube ss this matches p well with the DR-9 smooth transparent sound with nice sound stage. my musical taste range from Blues, rock. jazz etc:. my current room size is 13x18 this could change in the near future. I would like to spend between 2000 to 3000 and would spend more for a keeper. I am looking to possible expand later to home theater and need capability to handle that. I love to turn the volume up a notch when I can, but most of the time where listening at modest levels. How do some of your rec compare to levinson 383 jeff roland and BK design group.
I've heard the DK VS-1 Reference with some Von Schweikert speakers and it sounds great. It certainly doesn't make any compromises at its price point by being an integrated. (The DK Is a hybrid, by the way.)

A Jadis Orchestra Reference has just been put up for sale (not related to me) for $1950 asking price. It sure looks great as much as a virtual component can impress in an ad.
Since my Aronov recommendation would also be a great match, but is not for sale used today, that Jadis sure looks comparable, at a higher "bargain" price for an esoteric piece.