I'm betting you'll love your setup given your reaction to the Altec/Wright rig. I wouldn't worry about the Rogue if you already have it, but if not, I'd seek out a Wright pre to complete the magic.
Question on preamp matching with Wright 3.5 2A3 am
I second Marco's recommendation of the Wright preamp. I heard my 3.5s with four different preamps, and the Wright pre lent the least coloration and most body to the music. By the way, Bill, have you rolled those tubes in the Wrights? You're in for a real treat, especially with some of the excellent 6SN7 tubes available. Virtually everything out there--RCA, GE, Brimar, etc.--will have you tossing the stock EH's in a hurry. Please let us know how your system sounds when all together. I'm curious to hear what you think of the Ben's. Howard |
I agree with Howard (and several others) that the Wright preamp works wonders with Wright amps lending body to the music. I use the Wright pre with the Wright 1.75's (type 45 tubes at 2w/ch). I also tried and enjoyed the Eastern Electric Minimax pre so you'll probably do well with the Rogue, just a different flavor to the sound with each pre. If you like the flavor provided by the Rogue 66 and appreciate the remote, just stick with it and enjoy. Great system! |
Bill, I answered a similar post on required sensitivity in preamps/amps to drive a system to adequate sound levels. Give it a read...you should be able to sort out the numbers for setup...just sort out whether the numbers you gave are RMS, peak or peak to peak....I would suspect RMS. |