Power amp for Silverline Sonata III

Newbie from Australia here....

I'm looking for a power amp partner for my new Silverline Sonata III's.
Pre-amp is a Supratek Chardonnay.

I'm thinking 25 watts is enough (93db efficiency) but more is always nice.

I'm trying to keep the price under control here.
I play all sorts of music from chamber to jazz to trance and most stops in between, no country music though....

Would be interested in suggestions.
I use two Rogue Audio Stereo 90's to biamp my Sonatas. I love it. I did use a single 90 while waiting for deliver of my second. It was very good but biamping, with any amps, makes a big difference. Our music tastes are similar, definitely no country music (an oxymoron at best).
I heard the Sonata III's at Silverline HQ powered by Alan Yun's homemade 7W SET amp. It was extraordinary. Enjoy those speakers!
I'm using VTL MB-125 monoblocs on my Sonata2's, (w/95db efficiency)and they sound very fine. I can switch between 60 watts of triode and 125 tetrode and they respond well in both modes. Would love to try something like an Art Audio Jota, Carissa, etc... or perhaps an Atma-sphere OTL? Good luck and enjoy... Lissnr
Thanks for your helpful reponses.

Yohjo, what kind of improvement did bi-amping make? I gather this is through the bi-wire terminals......do you know where across the crossover this takes place? ie woofers / top 3 drivers or bass-mid-bass / mids-tweets?

I have the opportunity to pick up a Quicksilver V4, anyone with experience about whether they think this would be a good match? More than enough power....and can roll through EL34s, KT88, 6550 and 6L6s to adjust the sound. Thoughts?
I have heard the big quicksilver 135's and they are extremely well built and totally classic tube in all the good ways. I'm told the V4's also give you excellent build quality and similar, albeit less power, classic tube sound as well. The Sonatas really seem to appreciate pure tube... (not that they can't rock hard with good SS) and the flexibility of those V4's really could be fun/exciting/satisfying... I happen to like the EL 34's but it sure would be nice to try the KT88's or 6550's, etc. for a whole different effect. While I can't attest to bi-amping, I will highly recommend bi-wiring as it brings even more detail and definition without ever being fatiguing or overly etched. In fact, the Sonatas are very easy to listen to extendedly with good ancillaries.