Somebody Help Convert me to tubes

I first want to thank everyone that has been so helpful over the years. This forum and equipment site has been great.

Here is my dilemma. The first bunch years in this hobby my taste (and perhaps ignorance) has led me to pursue every last ounce of detail from a system, but after spending some time with some tube product, I am starting to prefer the more "listenable" type of equipment.

What I am looking for is for someone to help me with a step in this new direction. I am thinking of starting with a new preamp. Please don't recommend dumping everything I have and start over, I can't afford that, and besides I very much enjoy my system and I am looking for small changes at a time and to learn and appreciate the differences. I am also looking for a piece that if over time I like the way my system was, I can easily pass it on to another A'goner. My equipment is as follows:

Thiel 2.4 speakers
ML 27.5 amp
ML 38S Pre
Theta Data Basic II Transport
Kimber Select (1111 and 1120)
Transparent Plus Speaker cables
Synergistic AC Master Coupler on Trans and Amp
Transparent Power cords on DAC and Pre

Thank you for your assistance once again.
This might sound pretty weak by comparison to the other suggestions here. There are several avenues to take though, so I thought I would throw in my 2 cents. Consider a tube headphone amp. This is relatively inexpensive and easy to move in and out of an established system. I got a musical Fidelity headphone amp when I was considering the idea of experimenting with tubes. very simple to use! Sound quality would be whatever you might decide about it, but I have loved mine all along. I think alternatives offer more a tradional tube sound if you think you would like explore that, and I am sure there is better performance to be found elsewhere too. This is all to say that there is yet another place to start amongst the choices you have that might seem less intimidating. If you decide this option there are many resources available on the internet that will into depth about headphone amplifiers and those options. The archives here, and then Audio Asylum, and then more specifically would have- as one example, a lot of information. Not the same as a speaker system, of course, but a way to gain some experience at less cost and complication.
Aesthetix Calypso is a no-brainer. First SOund Presence Deluxe, VAC Renaissance are all going to take you in the right direction. I applaud your courage - i did the same thing a while ago, and now have tubed amp (OTL Berning) and preamp (First Sound), and will NEVER look back.

As to needing to sell the Thiels, not so if you keep you muscular SS amp....
Great advice as always guys. I did already inquire about the 38S upgrade, and like someone had said, they don't do it anymore. I had a 380S in my system for about a month, and it was better in every way shape and form than the 38S. No argument there. I was sort of planning on keeping the 38S because of all the nice features it provides, adjustable input levels, etc.

Contrary to popular belief the 2.4's are much easier to drive than the 2.3 or 3.6. I had all of them at one time for a head to head demo. After several hours with the 3.6 and 2.3 my amp was pretty warm. After running the 2.4's for a while at the same volume levels, the amp cooled off, which to me seemed that the load was easier to drive. Combined with a room that is only 20X12X8, what this means is that perhaps a tube amp at some point may be in my future, but a preamp is a way to put my toe in the water.

I am hearing Conrad Johnson, Cary, VAC, ARC, Mac, Audible Illusions, Canary, Rogue, BAT, Sonic Frontiers.

Looks like I am going to have to do some serious homework.
Well, if you like the user interface of the ML, then BAT would be the place to start. They have the best user interface in the business, IMHO. I think BAT is the only one better than the ML as far as user interfaces go.