Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim)

Well, actually not quite that strong!

I'm talking about wood trim on amps or preamps? Some of the wood appears to be quite beautiful, but I think that it looks "wrong" and I dislike wood trim! I'm taking an informal poll:

Hate= Would NEVER own with wood trim
Dislike= Would prefer no wood trim
Neutral= I could care less
Like= Would prefer wood trim
Love= MUST have wood trim

Also, if you live outside of the USA, would you please indicate so and your country, [if you feel comfortable giving this info]?

I'm just curious about preferences, and also to see if they vary in other countries!
Hey Slappy;----Don't be slammin' my car. It took a while but I finally got it pad off.----Over the years I've had various pieces, Sophia amp most recently, and they add nothing to the sound so why waste a tree for that???---Count me as " strongly-dislike". I live in a foreign country called California.
I'm surprised that the prevailing opinion here is against wood. Being a woodworker, I'm all for wood IF it is tastefully done. Same goes for pretty much any material, as long as it is aesthetically pleasing TO ME (not my wife, she has no input on audio related matters, as it should be!).

Having built my Teres in cocobolo, macassar ebony, and owned a Supratek in jarrah & copper, and built a stand out of hard rock maple, red coconut palm and copper, you can see I likes my wood. But, being an Audio Note fan shows I likes some black glass also.

I'm still looking for those wood lps. But never a Grado!
Hate is my vote, but I like very contemporary things. I am in the process of painting the wood on my Arcici rack gloss black (which has proven to be a pain in my butt...but it is almost done). It looks great!!!
pehaps the question should be- how much does the appearance
of a piece of gear affect the buyer's desire to lay out
the money. plus, i'm not running out to buy a new rack system
every time i see components that are too large or complicated
to set up on what i have-i.e.- two m.greene justaracks (adjustable 2in. thick shelves, cheap-finish black mdf).
i'm just not buying a three-piece preamp no matter how good it is. speakers- they HAVE to look good, end of story. hats off to my friend with quads with the grills ripped off, crossovers laying out on the floor, linty wires everywhere, a thorens with a broken motor/outboard motor assembly of his own design, no cd's, only vinyl, etc. yes, his system sounds good. so does mine, only i paid 5x as much- good for the economy, right?....
The consonance stuff seems tasteful to me. I like the appearance of my 2.2 CDP.