Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim)

Well, actually not quite that strong!

I'm talking about wood trim on amps or preamps? Some of the wood appears to be quite beautiful, but I think that it looks "wrong" and I dislike wood trim! I'm taking an informal poll:

Hate= Would NEVER own with wood trim
Dislike= Would prefer no wood trim
Neutral= I could care less
Like= Would prefer wood trim
Love= MUST have wood trim

Also, if you live outside of the USA, would you please indicate so and your country, [if you feel comfortable giving this info]?

I'm just curious about preferences, and also to see if they vary in other countries!
I like fine wood panels or casing, ex., Unison Research, Dodd Audio (I own the Dodd Mono 50s which have wood face, rear and side panels: curly maple in my pieces).

Check out the new Response Audio Musica Bella series. All wood casings in a variety of fine hardwoods that can be mixed or matched. Quite beautiful. Initial reports indicate excellent sound as well.

No connection with Response Audio.
Love wood and would love to see MORE used in hi-end gear.

It is also a natural composite, non-magnetic (maybe Ironwood is?) and will help in in resonance / vibration control.
Several plusses to me outweigh the aestetic disadvantage to some.