Buy an Audio Research SP10 MkII or an SP11 MkII ?


I love that big image, valvey pre-amp sound but I don't know which pre-amp to choose ... an SP10 or SP11..... Quandry ! What do you think ... or should I be looking for something else .... help.

I have ...
Audio Research D115 MkII *2
Kinergetics SW800
CAL Tempest MkII
Oxford Crystal Reference Turntable with Airtangent and Koestsu Rosewood Signature

Have fun
Ramble on John:
You're absolutely correct, I owned an LS-5 for about a year and a half.
I shipped it off to ARC for an update, never got there.
When I called the shipper about it, they told me it was stolen during transit and my insurance was "insufficient" so I lost big time.
Sorry to side track, my current pre is a Counterpoint SA-5000A w/NOS tubes.
Growlar, FWIW, and as sort of a counter point to John's comments on the differences between the SP10II and the LS5, if you are really anal about hearing the last enth of detail and extension his advise is worthwhile. But if you want to listen to music which is well served by audio the SP10 is an excellent way to do it. Regarding the units phono stage noise floor I would agree that this unit is not the best for a very low out put cartridge, a medium one such as the medium out put Benz Glider is just fine. By the time I get noise on my phono stage with the Glider I'm way beyond overdriving my system and my room. Regarding the noise floor of the line stage, much depends on the efficiency of your speakers and input sensitivity of your amp. With efficient speakers (+90db) and high input sensitivity (.5v) the line stage noise will be noticible in a quiet room. IMHO, the only real downside of the SP10 is that its not easy to experiment with tube rolling - it is demanding of rugged, low noise tubes in the phono stage especially, less so in the line stage. Finally, if you like the sound of that D115, you'll find the SP10 and excellent match. I had one for a number of years.
All hail to audiogon ... it is so brilliant to find like minded people on this planet. I used to use a Micromega CD with Pink Triangle De Capo DAC because this is the only way I could tolerate CD as I found it exhausting to listen to over a period of time (even though I enjoyed the convenience and the loss of the black disk foibles). The CAL Tempest II gives me a sound that is more dimensional and without hardness (but looses some of the analytical detail that I know others crave). The reason for my pursuit of the SP10 and now perhaps LS5/phono is that the analogue side always shocks with it naturalness and huge 3 dimessional soundstage. I love it when the boundaries of the room disappear and I am surrounded by sound coming from both the near and far distance. This makes my sensibilities feel that they are listening to music rather than a HiFi. Oh mi Oh mi calm down G !!! I am having great trouble tracking down an SP10 Mk II ... so if anyone knows of one PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHOUT. From the hugely informative discussion so far (again many thanks) I feel I would love to experience the procees of evolving to LS5/phono rather than jumping straight there as sometimes the journey is as much fun as getting to the destination ...
Growlar: I like your idea of the evolution process. You will indeed enjoy the heck out of the SP-10. And then some day if you have the itch, persue that next level of refinements. But I guarantee you that so many newer products that you will audition will not make you dance and smile like the SP-10 causes you to do. Half the fun is discovering such a special product. So just go for it!
I've owned both the SP10 & SP11 with a D115. Overall, my preferance is the SP10 even though I ended up getting rid of it. As others have said, the line section of the SP10 is not up to par with the phono section. This is not really the line section per say but rather that to use the line stage, you have to switch off the by-pass which engages all of the front panel clap trap. The reason I got rid of mine in the end was I got tired of feeding it tubes. If I ever win the lottery, I will buy another of these and have it rebuilt by Great Northern Sound. It is a classic.