Tube pre to mate with a Simaudio amp and Dynaudio

I've just recently taken delivery of Dynaudio Contour 1.3se monitors and am looking for amplification.

I've heard these speakers with a Sim Audio I-5 and enjoyed the sound immensely, but would like to move to a W-3 and a tubed pre-amp.

I'm looking for a slightly richer sound, but one that is still relatively transparent, fast, and open. Are there any tubed preamplifiers that meet these requirements?

Under consideration:

Audio Research LS-15
deHavilland UltraVerve
Manley Shrimp

any other thoughts would be apprciated.
Agree about the Hovland... Heard it with Dyn S25s and a sim w5 a few times... perfect combination. I own a supratek syrah, though, and it is also perfect for dyn and sim, but you must wait if you want one
I have had the set up you are looking for sim audio w-3 and it is great with the dynaudio 1.3se. Lots of power and a nice smooth laid back sound. big sound stage and good bass.
Bradpaton - What preamp are you using (I am still using the I-5 but want to get a W3 sometime soonish)