Joule vzn 80 or 100 for merlins?

I am most likely going to go for a joule amp to drive my merlins but was wondering if the vzn 80's are going to be enough if I listen to opera at some what loud volumes. What about the stargates and heavengates are they worth considering?
Are you saying that a OTL has to have 75 watts or more to push the VSM's and not so with non-OTL amps?
Your room size may also be a consideration.
Given the fact that many Merlin owners use the 60 watt Berning to drive their speakers would suggest that for most people, this power would be sufficient.
Also, the difference between a 80 watt amp and a 100 watt amp is about a 1dB increase in volume. Not much difference there. However the VZN 100 is a mono block vs the VZN 80 stereo amp.
If you plan to buy used, the $1000 difference in price would have me leaning toward the VZN 100 mono blocks. But that's me.
Well I beg to differ with Audiomax, but of course, only given my room size (about 24 x 14 x 8) and listening tastes (small "acoustic" music and vocals, not full orchestra). The VZN-80 and the Berning, which are comparable power ratings, do just fine. Had aother 'goner over last weekend who likes to listen to big band/funk at live volumes, and I can tell you it sounded great, IMO.
Good luck finding a used VZN of either persuassion. By the way, Bobby at Merlin only really recommends the "music box" version of the VZNs which is a particular type of cabinet. I had TSM-MXs which were very easy to drive by an Air Tight 300B amp in a small room but the VSMs are also an easy load - 89db with a very benign impedance and crossover load.

Nutella is completely right, the difference btw 80 & 100wts is negligible. You really should be fine with the VZN-80 unless you sit 20 ft away from the speakers.