Channel Islands D-100 Amplifier

Has anyone had an opportunity to listen to this amp yet? It looks very interesting ( but I'd grateful for any first hand impressions. I'm looking to use two of these monoblocks for the front two channels of a multi-channel system, using a Marantz SR9300 receiver as the preamp, to improve two-channel stereo performance.
They bettered my PS Audio HCA-2 which, in its own right, is a great amp. I have had more amps than you could shake a stick at and the CI's are better than anything I have ever had:

BAT VK-200
McCormack DNA-1
Quicksilver Silver Mono's
Atmasphere M-60s
Ayre V-3
Bel Canto 200.2
Clayton M-70s
Yes, I am very interested in purchasing the D-100's.
I called Dusty today and discussed my current system with him.
He is a very helpful, courteous, intelligent man.
That's certainly some high recommendations! I guess there's no doubt then that the D-100 would be a significant improvment over the Marantz SR9300's internal amps.

I'm located in Australia and have contacted Dusty, who's told me there's no problem shipping internationally and that a 220~240v/50~60hz version is available (for Australia, Europe, most of Asia etc). But obviously it would be difficult for me to take advantage of the 30-day trial and I need to be pretty sure of the quality of the amps before ordering.

Please keep the comments coming. This is very useful and, so far at least, sounding more promising than I could have hoped.