Which Solid State Amplifier is Making you Happy?

I'm trying to find a new amplifier to replace a Musical Fidelity A3CR. There are lots of candidates: Rowland 501s, Pass Labs 350.5, Levinson 431/432, H2O, etc. What are people using and what has been a good sonic investment? I'm currently driving B&W N803s, so it's a pretty normal load. My MF amp does not offer enough punch or bass control. It flattens out at higher volumes. I'll spend what it takes, new or used. Less than $8K would be nice. All comments welcome.
Essence Emerald Amps, both an Essence II Stereo and Emerald III Reference Monoblocks. I have heard dozens of amps in my system and once I heard these I stopped looking for the Holy Grail of amps. I sold every other SS and tube amp I had.
Rlawry, which SS and tube sacred cows has your Emerald put to shame? Do give us details.
My Jeff Rowland model 8 with choke power supply still makes me smile after all these years. I recently did a AB with a 501 and IMHO my 8 was just in a different league. Far more resolving and with a much better control of the bass. The 8 also threw a far deaper soundstage and was much sweeter in the highs.
The only problem you will find is finding someone with a choke supply 8 for sale.
I just upgraded from a Krell 400cx to a new Krell EVO 402 and the improvement is very clearly audible and more musical (without any loss of that famous Krell "slam" whatever that is).

good luck.
Hi, I have been watching this thread with some interest. I switched from Musical Fidelity to Blue Circle and I have been extremely happy; so much so that I am trying to work for the company. Blue Circle has two amplifiers that should fit your needs perfectly; the BC 26 MKII is a solid state design and is under 6000 and the BC 202 which is under 6500. Both have more than enough power and will represent a dramatic improvement over the Musical Fidelity. I especially like the BC 202 but it is a hybrid. Check out the Blue Circle web site. I don't know where you are so I can not recommend a dealer in your area.