Your First System

This should be good!!! Most of us have been in this expensive hobby for years now and have worked our way up to components we only dreamed of. I want to know what was your first system of separate components going back as far as you can remember. My first consisted of a Pioneer SX-680 receiver, a Technics SLD-1 turntable (I think that's the right model #), a Sharp tapedeck, and KLH floorstanding speakers. I was 16 at the time and thought I was the biggest badass on the block. Now, 20+ years later I have a ML 334, Meridian 507 CD, CJ PV10A, Canton Ergo 900 speakers, and a Transparent Power Isolator 4. I'm in the process of upgrading to a ML 390. It goes without saying the IC's and speaker cables are top notch as well. I know my system is WAAAYYYYY down the foodchain compared to what I've seen here but It would be interesting to see what everyone started out with.
Pioneer SX-838 receiver, Pioneer Pl-55x turntable with a Stanton 681EEE cartridge, and JBL L-100 Speakers. All for $1219 in 1975. My dad thought I was nuts!
cambridge 550a
cambridge 540p
Music Hall MMF7
PSB Image T55

before that i wouldnt call it a system, most just what i had come into over time. marantz 2215, technics sl1900, some bookshelfs.
when I was 12yr my dad bought me a ELECTROPHONIC review with built in 8 track, small speakers that said air suspension and a built in Garrod turntable. It sucked. My next shortly thereafter at age 15 yrs old was a Marantz 2220B reciever with ECI speakers and a Marantz 6100 direct drive turntable. Next got a Teac A400 cassette. At 20 yrs old I got a Yamaha CA810 integrated amp and matching tuner, with Bang & Olufen TX Turntable(still have) Bose 901 speakers(stinko)then JBL L100 speakers, then JBL L112 speakers(I always liked them)then Nackimichi B100 cassette, then BX300 cassette,then Klipsch LaScalla speakers(like them,poor bass but too darn big)then McIntosh reciever then AR turntable, then Denon turntable, then B&K Pro101 Preamp,then Nackimichi reciever, then B& K Pro10MC preamp then B&K 202 plus ap, then Thiel CS 1 then Thiel CS 1.2 then Thiel CS 2 then Thiel CS 2.2 then Thiel CS 2.3 I want Thiel CS3.7 now I have McIntosh MC206 amp and McIntosh MX118 preamp and Meridian 508 CD. I left out alot of Sony CD players that gave out
1974, 14 yrs old - am/fm car stereo with homemade power supply, home made speakers. Added a ratshack 4w amp with phono in and Gerard TT w/Pickering ceramic cartridge. Ouch. Upgraded the amp to a Fisher 12w intergrated and the TT to a Techniques SL3300 and built bigger speakers. Dumped the car radio for a Scott tuner-I have fond memories of that system.
Circa 1968, Sanui 800a reciever, I believe it was 15 or 20 watts, University Sound Speakers and a entry level Dual Turntable with Shure Cartridge. When I came back from overseas in 1971 I had a Sansui 5000 Reciever, AR3 Speakers (wish I still had them), Teac Reel to Reel Deck and Dual 1225 Turntable with a Shure Cartridge. Over the years I have owned Technics TT, Phase Linear, EPI (Epicure), DB Systems, Magnapan, Kenwood, Denon, Mac 1900 Receiver, Mac 2105 Amp - C 26 Pre Amp, Spectral, Bryston, Theil CS3.6 speakers, Linn LP 12, Itok Arm, Madrigal Carnegie I, Dynavector, NAD, Roksan and Paradigm speakers and too many others, including expensive cables, wires & tweeks to remember. It has been a long & wonderful journey. I am thankful I can still hear. I know it was about first systems but I got too reminiscent to stop.