Bryston VS Musical Fidelity

Hi gang,

I'm looking for opinions on this. Has anyone compared
The Bryston 4BSST to the Musical Fidelity A5 power amp?
Has any one listened to the Bryston and Belles amps side by side? What are the sonic differences? Also is there any difference in the Bryston line between the 4bsst and say the 14bsst or 7bsst mono's, or is it just headroom?
Post removed 
OK. Let's throw another amp into the mix.
How about a Rotel RB-1090? That's a
380WPC dual Mono amp. Two transformers
four power supplys, plus it's only 2K.
Where are you located? I live on Staten Island and might be able to help you in your decision. Email me off list or at least let me know.
