Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?

I listen to mostly classical and some acoustic jazz,
I would prefer a one box Integrated for space reasons
and I think solid state...but I could be talk in to or "auditioned in to" a tube piece.
Your thoughtful advice is appreciated.

Thank you.
Solid State, Lavardin IS reference or IT if you need the output. Sugden Masterclass also excellent.
Tube The DeHavilland Ios or the Viva Solista I use(review due out in Stereophile I'm told) Both 845's I believe.
This weekend, I will attend the intro of the new SimAudio I-7 at a local dealer. I'll be interested to see how it compares with the I-5, which I liked very much in my small room. Some have suggested the Plinius 9200 is similar in some respects to the I-5, but considerably better; I haven't been able to hear the latter.

Will the I-7 simply add power, or significantly enhance refinement as well? I'll report back if anyone is interested.

I'd actually like to hear more about that Blue Circle integrated from Philnyc; what price bracket, what attributes, what comparisons made etc.