Power for Thiel 7.2

Would two (2) Classe Ca 301 in mono mode be enough (600 w at 8 and 1200 at 4) or a single Krell stereo mode at 400 w channel 8 ohm 800 4 ohm.
Which way to go?
At the risk to appear off-track here,...I'm powering my CS6 with ARC VT100MKII and I found this a great match! Are we sure that Thiel must have Solid state infinite power amplifiers? I would consider Reference 300 as my dream. Did anyone out there share my experience?
Check out my thread, here you find some advices.
I strongly suggest to avoid Mac. I had 402 powering my thiel 2.3 and it just couldn't rock. I found it to be slow dynamicaly compressed with very poor bass responce and slam. It was generaly puting me to sleep. The only nice thing was midrange texture, sweet and organic.
But guess what? I got that and a lot more with SIMAUDIO W5 wich is so much better amp then MAC that it is like comparing hifi with true hi-end stuff.
I cannot comment on Pass as I never had it.
Thanks for the reply. Guess problem is there's usually not a prompt and I have left it at that, it's been two months afterall!
The dealer said no, and rep said no, and a few goners said no too - and I went X250.5. Couldnt afford an x350.5.
In a nutshell, I am baffled.
Have had it for almost 5 weeks now.
Mated to a ML26 preamp and Esoteric/Teac DV50s. ML 26 doesn't have XLR input and this seems to be the achilles heel. In short, at the moment, system sounds bright at times.

Compared with my old ML 27 100 watter, I honestly think the X250.5 doesn't mate well with the preamp. The improvement from the X250.5 is manifold - depth, transparency, detail, soundstage, air, holographic presentation. Dynamics is improved the nth degree.

But it may be too revealing and bright - could it be the DV50s? The warmth with the ML27 is now gone completely.

In any case, I had demo x350.5/JR synergy IIi/Metronome CD3/Avalon speakers - it was a beautiful combination. That's why I bought the X250.5.

Mr. Pass has been exceptionally helpful in my little journey and I cannot wait to pair up my Pass with the JR preamp. I very much suspect that as the signal is convereted from comac/single ended input to XLR output in the ML26 it is degraded, essentially asking the preamp to do the amp's job...

Ain't gonna work...

Hopeful, and appreciative of all well intentioned advice, and will certainly post my little review once I get everything on board...