Does your system have jump?

PRAT, slam, musicality, attack, decay. All that is good but does your system have jump? Does it get up and go and take you with it? I think I've found a nice equilibrium again after some dramatic system changes. Nothing is ever as fast as real life. I thought tubes could not do instantaneous but with the way I have things set up, I think it was, as I suspected, in the preamp (a long journey may have now ended for me).
I went from VTL to SFL to Krell to Rowland to CJ to Spectral to CAT to BAT to Pass to Wavac to Ayre to to ML back to BAT and now I am home with Aesthetix. Which components seem to have delivered the largest return on jump for you?
Mt10425, I believe the elitist attitude started with you when you made your first unqualified and rather smug post above.

That somehow no matter what kind of system (whether it be in an elevator or transistor radio) one listens to it's the music that has the jump. You are certainly free to think silly thoughts, but your first post above would seem to be far outside the intended realm of the original poster.

Good evening Stehno-
It's interesting that all of your posts end with IMO. Initially, i voiced a simple opinion about what I think actually jumps. You personalized it by calling it silly. So be it. Apparently the only opinion that counts is yours. I responded to an unwarranted personal attack and you didn't like that and so you attacked me again. I don't remember pissing you off in a previous life but, who knows? Seems you went out of your way to make friends with Rsbeck in another post too.
Mt10425, I saw your first post as smug. If that was not your intention, I am sorry for misinterpreting.

But labeling a statement you made as silly is not a personal attack.

Just like if we were conversing in person and I told you you had a booger hanging out of your nose does not necessarily translate to a personal attack either. Or does it?

As for Rsbeck, that's a whole nuther story. The man pops up in every cable thread attempting to sound like some cable authority. Yet, by his own admission, he cannot tell any sonic differences between cables. Go figure.

I don't go looking for him, but if he pops up in a thread I've participated in, rather than engage in meaningful monologue, I now simply ask him what his personal experience is. And of course he never responds to the question. Except in the third person and hypothetically.

-IMO (I'm just as entitled as the next guy to be wrong)