Musical Fidelity A300 mod by Tube Research Labs

Just a few comments on my MF A300 integrated amp which I had recently modded by Tube Research Labs (TRL).

I had just decided to upgrade my source and was searching around for a possible replacement or mod upgrade to my MF A300 integrated which I have had for a couple years.

The MF A300 is very nice unit which has given me much enjoyment. I had already had Tube Research Labs mod two digital units for me, and inquired with them about modding the MF A300. TRL is well known for their very high end SOTA custom preamps and amps and they agreed to see what enhancements might be possible for my modest little amp.

The fee for this is their standard $550 which they charge for modding digital units, transports, DACs, etc.

When I got the unit back after some initial break in, I made some notes and then asked Paul and Brian at TRL what changes they thought were made from their mod.

Both said almost the same thing that I now heard and had written in my notes-
Brian felt that the amp "had a very high noise floor and some glare".
Paul stated they attempted to remove "transistor artifacts" which creates an edginess to the sound and removing the noise allows a more 3D like soundstage.

Anyway, my notes started out with "Amp is much quieter now and sound is much smoother"... "Soundstage is much better now front to back".

With the lowered noise floor I am able to hear more information on familiar recordings and the instrument and player spacing and placement was much improved.
Much of the previous harshness I would get on some overly hot digital recordings was gone.

Anyway, after about 200 hours of break in, I would state that this amp is quite a performer now. Another benefit for me is that I use a dedicated tube phono stage (Hagerman Cornet) which uses one of the line in inputs on the MF A300. My Turntable front end is now also improved quite a bit.

Just wanted folks to know about how this worked out for me and it might be worth looking into if you like your present amp, but would like more performance out of it for what I feel is a decent price.

It is very difficult in my opinion to figure out an upgrade path (and matching) with an amp and preamp setup so improving an already decent integrated amp that I liked has worked out well for me.

TRL was quite impressed with the performance gains with the MF A300. Not quite in the class of their new ST-225 225 watt integrated amp, but that of course is a $5500 amp. Maybe someday on that one for me.. :)

I've noticed that TRL mods are incredible right out of the box, but continue to get better and better until they reach around 500 hours.

Have you noticed this with the MF A300?
Yes, it is getting better by the day.

At first the soundstage, although deeper with more detail, was not as wide or high as before.
It is now larger and higher than ever.
The new information being heard as sound comes out of deeper blackness is startling at times. I have found myself looking around to see if someone or my dog came in the room!
The sound has also become more relaxed and delivers higher volume with more ease. Very natural sound.

Very pleased with the mod.
I just purchased a TRL modded Alesis ML9600 (using as a transport only per Paul) from a third-party (recommended by Paul) and I'm amazed at how the sound improves daily. After some email conversations with Paul I'm convinced that they will mod my DAC (although what they can do with a simple non-up/oversampling DAC remains a mystery to me). Your post on the modded amp makes me wonder if that is an option as well for me, although I'm enjoying my Cary V12i as it is. The price is certainly right and if it takes the performance up a few levels it would be worth it versus buying a new amp.

Thanks for the information.