Kimber vs Jensen coupling caps in Cary amps

Anyone compared 0.22 mf Kimber coupling caps in Cary amps? I have purchased Jensen copperfoil/oil caps, opened my Cary SLI-50 integrated and saw yellow Kimber metallized polypropylene capacitors. Are they any good and will the Jensens be an upgrade?
No kidding! As far as I remember, there was a thread in Audio Asylum/Tweaks/DIY that Kimbers are very detailed, etc. Also, I substituted the stock Audio 1 caps in my other amp (Cary SLI-80) for Jensens and I thought they were bright. I hope a substantial burn-in period, as well as cables and tubes replacement will cure this problem.
Man, if you can hear the difference that a single capacitor makes in your amp, you are truly blessed with golden ears.