DK Design VS- Reference vs Signature

Have any of you compared the sound of the standard VS-1 integrated by DK Design to the sound of the recent "signature" model? I am very curious to learn DETAILS of how they compare.

Please only respond if you have performed such a comparison. Please be specific in your response.

Thank you.
Tvad, What you say is very true, however everyone sez that the DK runs very cool. Common experience is that true Class A operation produces heat and the higher the bias is set the more heat the amp produces. I've heard of Class A/B amps which run very cool when the switch over to class B is very low, but even these amps get warm if the Class A stage is a substantial part of the amps output. I've never heard of an amp which is pure class A, that has any significant output in that class that doesn't run hot. In fact some run so hot you can hardly touch the cooling fins. Its my understanding that DK has not revealed how it can make an amp which is both cool and operates in class A. That observation caused me to think that maybe they coined a new description so as to avoid having to answer directly the heat producing issue of class A. Sounded, if you will, possibly like some marketing puffery.

Perhaps so one with some engineering/design knowledge can comment.................
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I got my email from the parts connecxion ( today, they do mods and the like - the guys that founded Sonic Frontiers i think. anyhow, they had listed an SE upgrade for the DK VS-1 Mk II that sells for about $1000. my guess is that is perhaps similar to the "signature" version from the DK factory? anyone heard this mod?
How about Class A-, A+ seems presumptuous to me,
but then again, they are the BEST amps in the world according to several reviews I've read.