Mark Levinson/Revel Support is tops

Mark Levinson/Revel support and service at Harman Specialty Group provide some of the best product support I've found. I'm writing to let you know that you can get help with Levinson equipment quite easily.

HSG has a group of audiophiles/engineers devoted to providing service for Levinson electronics and Revel speakers, revamping the current lines, and develping new products that maintain and enhance the Levinson/Revel name. Jamie Cohen is head of service there and is one of the most helpful,informative audio-engineers/audiophiles you could ever hope to meet or talk with. If he can't answer your question he'll find someone who can.
If you have a problem start by contacting Richard below you'll get your problem solved.
Richard Krehmeyer
Senior Technical Support Representative
Customer Support Technical Services
Harman Specialty Group
781 280 0300

Concerning Revel, call the above number, and ask to talk with Revel service. There is a good chance you might even talk with Kevin Voecks the designer or the Revel line. He can give lots of help hints on getting the most from your system.

I know there were some concerns during the transition of the company as things were sorted out, but I would not hesitate to buy Mark Levinson equipment today either new or aftermarket on Audiogon.
Has HSG eliminated their $1000 up front cost for any work on older products (like my Proceed)? I wanted to send in my PDT3 for a check of the laser assembly and to determine if it needs to be replaced, and they said it would cost $1000 just to look at an older peice of gear like this - REGARDLESS of whether the laser assembly would have to be replaced. Any replacement part(s) would cost money on top of that!

That doesn't sound like great customer service to me.
My understanding is that ML gets your ok for the maximum it would cost to repair your piece of electronics. The $1000. is the most you would pay if the product was totally rebuilt. From what I understand, in most cases one would be charged some fraction of this amount for beyond warranty repairs. (I too have concerns about this and have talked with service at Levinson.) I also have heard that ML has reduced the orginal prices they were quoting when this new policy was first implemented, but I've not seen this data. I would contact them again about your gear.

I recommend that owners of ML equipment unhappy with this policy e-mail or call and talk with them about these issues. That way you'll get the truth and resolution to your problems.

"The $1000. is the most you would pay if the product was totally rebuilt."

Sgr, I don't doubt what you're telling me, but at the time I spoke with them this is not what they said. I had to ask them to explain it to me three times because I could not believe what I was hearing. Perhaps I was speaking with someone who did not clearly understand the new policy; this was just after HSG took over. I'll try giving them a call back.
I have a ML 27 at HSG currently. It sat at my dealer for 2.5 months while my dealer went above and beyond to tell HSG exactly what he thought of their outrageous repair cost of 1000 just to LOOK at it. The good news is that this policy was just recently changed at HSG within the past 5 weeks or so. They agreed to repair my 27 and charge me their cost up to a maximum of $1000. I'm not sure if that's specific to my case or their new policy in general. It is my understanding from talking to my dealer that there was a lot of pressure on HSG from dealers and owners to change their policy. I hope my 27 doesn't sit there for a couple months if they now have a flood of older products to repair.
The company has done irreparable harm to it's overall image. (IMHO)
My goodness go onto and read the horror stories people have posted regarding the 383 integrted.
The people who have the money to spend on ML products are not going to do new business with a company that regardless of any extenuating circumstances had a bout of poor customer service.
There are too many alternative quality vendors available to even take the chance.