ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?

Wondering what brands we have to choose from - especially those
made in the USA?

I know about Red Dragon, Acoustic Reality, Jazz(?)
I believe NuForce is a different technology.

Any obscure brands with the ICEpower module?
Any Pro Audio brands using digital switching?

Thank You
In message Ar_t identifies himself, but not in subsequent posts - might be a good idea to do so. Looking at the site I see no address or phone number since the Contact link isn't functional.
Everyone is free to say what they like, but some of these posts read like commercials.
This is getting old. I am not here to bang you guys over the head with sales BS. If I were, you would see me here more often.

OTOH, someone else can not seem to say diddle without pitching his favorite brand. Give it a rest, will you, bub.

I do not mind discussing amp stuff in general with the type of person who may be a potential customer. I do it more to gain insight into what they feel is important, rather than try to force feed them what I think is important.

This whole conversation was started in another post, concerning experiences with "digital switching amps." It is the belief of not only myself, but other designers, and customers, that there is a distinctive sound to the entire genre. Some find it annoying; others hear it, but do not consider it to be a flaw. Especially in light of all the things that they seem to do right.

I think that it all comes down to what listeners feel the most important sonic qualities of an amp. Some want something that is clean, accurate, powerful, and can be listened to for hours on end. To this end, amps such as mine, Henry's, JR's, and the rest seem to fit the bill quite well. (There are many others, and since they have not been mentioned here, I am not going to give them free press.)

Other listeners want "that magic........that tube midrange magic". I do not listen for that, so if I build a product that has that as a shortcoming, I am not surprised.

I have received enough feedback from customers who have heard my amps in comparison to the other brands of similar design to know that the problem is not unique either to my amps, and not just to ICEpower amps.

My comments on what may sway a potential customer to decide on Brand A or Brand B are mainly to serve as a friendly reminder that a lot of companies have come and gone in the last 20 years. There is a plethora of outfits popping up, shoving an ASP module into a bog standard enclosure, and viola!, they are in the amp business. Some of us take a more deliberate appraoch to our designs, including the guy who seems to get a lot of free adverising here. In the long run, I would imagine that most of you would feel that those matters would be of importance, in light of the investment a power amp is.

As for supplying an amp for a "shootout".........I have sent evaluation amps out that invariably get involved in one of those. I do not seek that type of comparison, but I do not shy away from them either. However, as a designer, I would find it more beneficial to know how the amp reacts to various types of speakers and cables, than hearing how mine beats Brand XYZ senseless. (High capacitance cables may be the wrong choice, it seems.) Whoever Brand XYZ is does not really concern me: it is someone trying their best to make a living, and I do not intend to make it any more difficult for them. Those of us who have been around long enough can appreciate how hard it is to begin with. No sense making it harder. Not for me, not for anyone.

Anyway, I am interested in hearing your comments and experiences. The ICEpower based amps seem to be a good choice for listeners who are more interested in something that can drive the daylights out of their speakers without driving the listener out of the room. The guys who are listening to 8 W SETs probably aren't going to be happy with them.

If I am off base, let me know. As long as it isn't about Brand ABC vs Brand XYZ. Let's cover that some other place, so that some of us can opt out.
Bravo to Tvad & Mr_bill. Vince, take a vacation man. When all you do is wax lyrical about a given product, you sound like a DK Design groupie... give it a rest. If people are interested, there are threads to research & a money back 30 day in home trial. There comes a point in which this is much more annoying to some, than intrigueing.

Enjoy the weekend with the family! Happy 4th to all.

(above stated, as a happy H2o owner...)
My goodness !

Ar_t is a guy I have known for a very long time. In fact, the image on his web site was photographed by me in my photo studio.

However, I cannot discuss how this amp performs, I have not listened to it. It might be fun and certainly possible since Pat and I live so near each other.