ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?

Wondering what brands we have to choose from - especially those
made in the USA?

I know about Red Dragon, Acoustic Reality, Jazz(?)
I believe NuForce is a different technology.

Any obscure brands with the ICEpower module?
Any Pro Audio brands using digital switching?

Thank You

So are the pitfalls of a public forum. One might be talking one on one, but all can read. What I have been doing here is dueling with a respectable manufacturer on comparative amp topologies. I hate the idea I have to shut up when I am having so much fun.
Eldartford - you asked about why a large analog power supply might be beneficial, when a module is so efficient. An electronics engineer has explained it to me this way.

The module must be fed energy on demand. Digital switching is one way of going about it. By it's very nature, some noise is introduced into the signal. Some may argue the noise is insignificant. Others can clearly hear it.

An Analog power supply, that has substantial amounts of capacitance, acts as a relatively clean energy supply, that is always present. That energy can be drawn upon by the module without switching noise.

Another benefit of a high capacitor storage analog power supply is it absorbs the ripple effect caused my AC/DC rectification.
Vince, my apologies if you took it I or they were requesting anyone to "shut up"... it just becomes tiring when there is *any* digital amp post and you recite the same song over and over... even great songs get old with too much play...
Well, Albert........we have plans to show up one day with a pair so that you can bi-amp. But it was supposed to be a surprise. I have a few coming back from evaluation and/or CES (finally!), so maybe when they show up, we can do it. I assume that you haven't changed speakers in the last 3 months.