Any opinions on PS Audio Power Plants

I have a P-300 for my source equipment and it has made a huge improvment in the sound of my system. I also have a PS Audio Ulimate Outlet on my power amps and ditto. Any once else had a similar experience?
Yes, Alephman, I experienced similar audiophilic euphoria after installing a P300. However, the one thing I don't like about is the fan noise! I buried mine behind my Billy Bag's rack and that quited it down a bit, but it still is noisier than I'd like when the music gets quiet. How's your experience been in this regard?
Photon46 - I felt the same way about my P300's fan noise, so I disconnected the lead to the fan. It's been working fine for over 3 years now, and it's dead quiet. As I've just got my SS front end components connected, there's no problem with overheating.
I have the P300 as well. I started out by running an Xtreme Statement into a HC/UO, then another Xtreme Statement to the P300. Plugged in to the P300 were my tube preamp, CD transport, DAC, and tube phono stage. I only used the 60/120 settings on Sin wave. I never really used the Multiwave options, at least not to this point. I think the system performs well, but the fan does come on after about 30 minutes and the P300 still runs hot even though its on an amp stand not the floor.

Today I reconfigured. I run the P300 from one wall socket with only the CD transport, DAC, and tube phono stage connected. The HC/UO is in a second wall outlet with the tube preamp plugged into it. The tube amp has always been in a separate wall socket with the power filtered by a Chang Lightspeed (soon to be Running Springs Duke).

I am going to play around some more with the Sin wave settings. If any one has any suggestions for me to try I'd be interested in hearing them. I also upgraded to Multiwave II+ and I like the Clean Sweep demag function. I would recommend the upgrade and it's pretty easy to do yourself if you exercise some patience and follow the instructions.