Any opinions on PS Audio Power Plants

I have a P-300 for my source equipment and it has made a huge improvment in the sound of my system. I also have a PS Audio Ulimate Outlet on my power amps and ditto. Any once else had a similar experience?

Correct. You can safely disconnect the fan. It will run very hot wit no fan, but it will be fine.

If you decide to go the Papst route, get the quitest one you can find. They always have a noise level indicated on the box.

You can also get one with a speed regulator - when you turn it down (it will go slower, but still fast enough for proper cooling) the fan will be completely inaudible.

The fan should last about 6 months (we are talking about 24h, constant working cycle). After that period you will probably have to replace the fan, since they get noisier with age (just like the fan in computer PS). But at 20$ it is no biggie.

The replacement of the fan is very easy. Its beeing held by 4 screws.
Clio09 I am in the process of moving to Oregon and everything, including my P300, is in storage. I'll check through some of my emails to see if I can track down that model number as I'm sure I ordered it online. Stay tuned...
My equipment is ultra quiet, I have dedicated 20amp lines, I live in a more rural area where demands on current don't seem to be an issue. Even given all of this I noticed a very real improvement in sound the first time I plugged in the P500 (latest version). A little pricey but worth it to me. Wish it had a remote though.
I have the PS Audio UPC 200.Made an real improvement to my audio system.One bank for the Gryphon Callisto 2100 and the other for the Audio Aero Prima cd player.Signal Cable powercords.