New Amplifier: Bryston 4B ST or Pass Aleph 5


I am thinking about revamping my system and am looking for something that can work with my Magnepan MG12s and can grow with me up the Magnepan line. I haven't thought much about pre-amps (except something like a Krell 300i, but I'm not sure how that would play with the larger Magnepans), but have started thinking about amps.

After much research on this website and others, I have found two amps that seem to be recommended more than others for Magnepans: the Bryston 4B ST and the Pass Labs Aleph 5. I'd probably also consider pre-amps from the same companies, as they seem to perform well and I like the idea of a matched amp and pre-amp.

What do you guys think? I'm leaning towards the Bryston myself. I'm definitely on a budget for the amp (under $1500) so I have already discounted the McIntoshs, Krells, of the world.

I listen to classical music (primarily instrumental, solo through small ensemble music) and currently prefer Kimber Kable interconnects and speaker wire and my Marantz CD63 KI, although these preferences could change if I was properly convinced. I am also relatively new into this realm of hi-fi.

oops, perhaps I didn't mean the LS-5, as that's rather outside my budget ;)

I'd definitely like the following:
- balanced in/outs
- remote
- 12v trigger
- all tube gain stages throughout
- tube phono stage

Any takers under $1000? ;)
Check this link for the BAT preamp I was referring to.

I would think the Aleph 5 would not be enough power for the MG12s. I had the Aleph 2s which are more powerful and ran them with 94db efficient speakers and I wouldn't have wanted any less power. The Aleph speakers while sounding pretty great overall are notoriously wimpy as far as sounding powerful. The Aleph 5s would be a weak sounding 60 watts (which is fine when paired up with the right speakers) I had a friend who had the 1.6s with the Bryston amp, and I thought that system sounded great (for the money) driven directly by a Levinson 39 player.

I would also second the Ayre recomendation, it's just a great sounding product and far better than Bryston in my opinion.

It might be worth also taking a look at upgrading your CD player. If it were me I would split the money for the amp in half and spend the other on a better CD player.
You are asking for the holy grail. I believe that the only preamp that sort of match your needs is an older BAT-3P? All BAT preamps are balanced and this one has remote and even an optional phono card. Tube changes should not worry you much....but then, there are preamps that use 6 tubes, the First Sound used just 4,2 0A2 tubes (around $10 a pair?) and 2 6922 or 88cc tubes, these are a little more. But, you do not need to get carried away with people telling you that New Old Stock tubes are better, modern preamps are fine with new, well tested tubes that do not have to cost you a liver or a kidney.


PS: The BAT I am telling you about runs easily into around $1500, used.
The reason I sugested a tube pre is to smooth out the sound of the Bryston, not that it is necessary but the synergy of the two will leave you smiling. Look for a Audio research LS 15 or 16 or if you can afford it a LS25 all work well with the Bryston. You also will have the advantage of tube rolling(changing tubes to alter sound)