I would think the Aleph 5 would not be enough power for the MG12s. I had the Aleph 2s which are more powerful and ran them with 94db efficient speakers and I wouldn't have wanted any less power. The Aleph speakers while sounding pretty great overall are notoriously wimpy as far as sounding powerful. The Aleph 5s would be a weak sounding 60 watts (which is fine when paired up with the right speakers) I had a friend who had the 1.6s with the Bryston amp, and I thought that system sounded great (for the money) driven directly by a Levinson 39 player.
I would also second the Ayre recomendation, it's just a great sounding product and far better than Bryston in my opinion.
It might be worth also taking a look at upgrading your CD player. If it were me I would split the money for the amp in half and spend the other on a better CD player.
I would also second the Ayre recomendation, it's just a great sounding product and far better than Bryston in my opinion.
It might be worth also taking a look at upgrading your CD player. If it were me I would split the money for the amp in half and spend the other on a better CD player.