Opinions on the Bel Canto Evo 4 Gen II

I'm shopping for a new amplifier and am considering the Bel Canto Evo 4 Gen II. I listen to many different kinds of music and love bass, but have been getting more into vocal music, so I'd be looking for good mids and highs as well. I know, tall order. Any opinions on the Bel Canto? It would be driving a pair of Aerial 8Bs, which love power, so I'd probably be bridging the amp. I have a lower-end preamp that eventually will be replaced, so i'm more concerned about the quality of the amp and how it would fit with the Aerials.
The eVo 4 is a great amp and should mate beautifully with your Aerials. Using it in a bridged mode is a must. Not only will you have gobs of power but it simply sounds much better this way, with really powerful low end, nice nutral mids and gorgeous treble: extended, clean and free of any hash or glare.
IMO eVo 4 mk II is one hell of an amplifier, especially when used in bridged mode. It posses the purity of tone that is really hard to find in ANY SS amplifier.
I've found the Evo to be very neutral and transparent. It is very fast and reveals inner detail quite well. After a while, you even forget that it's there.
I lived with the EVO-4 Gen II (actually two of them for tri-amping) for about 6 months. It's a wonderful amp and very flexible. However, for about the same money of a used EVO-4 Gen II, I would strongly recommend you audition an ICE H2O S250 Signature. It was this amp that dislodged the EVOs from my system.

It's a 250 watt per channel, stereo amp whose heart is an ICE module. The module is surrounded by a huge, high quality, low impedance and FAST analog power supply.

Tonal character of the H2O is very similar to that of the EVO, which is fundamentally neutral. Differences between the amps in the context of my Apogee based system were centered on openness, midrange palpability and bass authority. H2O owner Henry Ho is a true gentleman and will float you an amp for an in-home demo, no strings attached.

With either choice you get a great amp and we should all have such difficult choices!

Are you sure your wife will let you get this Bel Canto?
I see the hi fi fever has set in.